
33 Life Learnings from 33 Years

33 Life Learnings from 33 Years written by SAHIL BLOOM Today is my 33rd birthday. Every year, I try to spend some time reflecting on what I've learned along the way. In the past, this list of life learnings was just for me—a private accounting of my own journey, growth, failures, and missteps. But this year, I'd like to share it with all of you. This piece shares 33 life learnings from my 33 years of life. Today is my 33rd birthday. Every year, I try to spend some time reflecting on what I've learned along the way. Historically, this list of life learnings was just for me—a private accounting of my own journey, growth, failures, and missteps. But this year, I'd like to share it with all of you. My hope is that one of my learnings connects with you and positively impacts your life. Here are 33 life learnings from my 33 years of life... 1. Life is hard, but fortunately, you get to choose your hard. It's hard to build deep, meaningful relationships. It's also hard

Better Life If you Follow This

1. Define the problem. Drill it down right up the seed of problem 2. Clarity of thought process in your mother tongue  3. Finds the facts around it. The Data points 4. Draw the whole picture in ur mind before opening your mouth 5. If you analysing a post, find the centre point in the post 6. Narrate it to the world in most simple way. Yes some jokers will make it complicated, ignore them 7. Experience is the key and that has no short cut. So learn when u don't have it.

Inspiration v/s Motivation

Inspiration vs Motivation Inspiration and Motivation are two words which flot all over from personal life to Corporate life. People pay good money for Motivation classes and companies also invest a lot But my 3 decade of experience tells me that if you are Inspired, you get self motivated and if you are not inspired, no point wasting money because no one can motivate you So I believe that one should focus on Inspiration, motivation will be triggered automatically Today there is a flood of Motivational speakers, after attending their one hour seminar you come out as Ambani but let me tell you a fact. There is no success without hard work but for a few hour hallucination you pay 1000s  Even Shri Ram had to live in jungle for 14 years and had to face all hardships. Even jamvant didn't Motivate Hanuman ji, he inspired him to find his strength and use them Today 80 Entrepreneurs out of 100 start their business plan with a mind set when they will buy a luxury car, House etc from the mone

Why do people Resign?

Many of the problems existing in varying organizations today come from piss poor leadership and management. While great leaders encourage their employees to reach their full potential and help their organizations surpass their goals, weak managers push their employees away to the point where many jump ship. Like shri Ram did with his army of normal warriors with no experience to do something extraordinary When employees leave, it's not necessarily the company, team, location, or even the air conditioning that they blame. It's the leadership. As leaders, it's important to take the time to understand your employee's reasons for leaving and work on improving your leadership skills to make sure they feel valued and inspired to stay. When as a leader your show them the path to achieve their dreams, you inspire them When an employee resigns, it's important not to jump to conclusions and dismiss their departure as a failure to understand the company. Instead, let's hav

There is a purpose for everyone you meet.

Each person we come across in our lives has a significant impact on us, whether it's a positive or negative experience. Every person we meet teaches us something new, helps us grow, and shapes us into the person we are today.  They may challenge us, inspire us, or even disappoint us, but each encounter has a purpose. It could be to teach us a lesson, to help us find our passion, or simply to remind us of the beauty in human connections.  Whatever the purpose may be, it is important to embrace every encounter with an open mind and heart, as it could lead to something extraordinary.

Inspiration vs Motivation

Inspiration vs Motivation Inspiration and Motivation are two words which flot all over from personal life to Corporate life. People pay good money for Motivation classes and companies also invest a lot But my 3 decade of experience tells me that if you are Inspired, you get self motivated and if you are not inspired, no point wasting money because no one can motivate you So I believe that one should focus on Inspiration, motivation will be triggered automatically Today there is a flood of Motivational speakers, after attending their one hour seminar you come out as Ambani but let me tell you a fact. There is no success without hard work but for a few hour hallucination you pay 1000s  Even Shri Ram had to live in jungle for 14 years and had to face all hardships. Even jatayu didn't Motivate Hanuman ji, he inspired him to find his strength and use them Today 80 Entrepreneurs out of 100 start their business plan with a mind set when they will buy a luxury car, House etc from the money